Guests enjoyed a lovely afternoon of tea sandwiches, sweets and Tea while walking our path of inspiration and fundraising. Proceeds from this year’s event will go towards Kid’s Turn’s Creating Brighter Futures for Children Project, including Family Workshops for Separated and Divorced Families and Counseling Program for Children.
Schaffer Family Law Supports Kid’s Turn Afternoon Tea Event
About the Author: Sarah Schaffer, CLS-F, LL.M
Sarah can help you work out complex property division issues by finding
workable solutions and creative solutions that –in the end– will prove to
benefit both spouses and the entire estate by saving money that is often
wasted on needless litigation. If an amicable property division can be
hammered out, you will dodge the emotionally draining, expensive,
never-ending litigation that plague some couples. While endless fighting
may be the goal of some attorneys who don’t want the fighting (and the
invoicing) to stop, The Schaffer Family Law Group, APC would rather help
you find the best possible path through your divorce with the least
conflict, cost and anxiety.